B-72 IntelliTouch/SecureTouch G uide
Figure B.8
Pin diagram for serial connector, P2, as viewed from connector mating surfaces.Connectors and Pin
Definitions The connector configuration permits the controller to be placed in-line between
the touchscreen and serial I/O attac h m ents.
Serial connector, P2, and
signal descriptions The serial I/O connector, P2, is a dual row by five position header with 0.025
inch pins on 0.100 centers. The header is compatible with insulation
displacement cable (IDC) connectors such as Berg series 71600, series 71602,
series 66900, and series 66902, Molex style 4 0312, Amp series 746285 and
series 746288 receptacles. The heade r is also compatible with crimp
termination, discrete wire recepta cles and housings including Berg Mini-Latch
housings and Mini-PV receptacles, Molex series 70450 connectors, and the
Amp AMPMODU Mod. IV connector family. Pin numbering schemes for
discrete wire connectors differ bet wee n manu factu re rs. Ref er only t o Fig ureB.1
on page66 for pin number locations. When the mating IDC receptacle is cabled
to an IDC DB-9 connector, the interface ass um es a DCE configuration as
described in ANSI/EIA/TIA 232-E.
Touchscreen connector,
P3, and signal
The touchscreen connector, P3, is a dual row by six position header with 0.025
inch square pins spaced on 0.100 centers. P3 mat es w ith the Berg Mini-Latch
receptacle on the IntelliTouch® touchscreen cable. The pins are numbered as
shown in FigureB.2 on page 66. The withdrawal force exceeds 3.9 lbs.
Power connector, P4 The power connector, P4, is a dual row by five-position header with 0.025-inch
pins on 0.100 centers. The header is comp atible with insulation displacemen t
cable (IDC) connectors such as Berg serie s 71600, series 71602, series 66900,
and series 66902, Molex style 40312, Amp series 746285 and series 746288
receptacles. The hea der is also compatible wi th crimp termination, dis crete wire
receptacles and housings including Berg Mini-Latch housings and Mini-PV
receptacles, Molex series 70450 connectors, an d the Amp AMPMODU Mod.
IV connector family. Pin numbering schemes for discrete wire connectors differ
between manufacturers.
Refer only to FigureB.3 on page 66 for pin number locations. Signal
connections are shown in TableB.4 on page73.
Cable applied