Universal Serial Bus Microcontroller
Product Specification (V1.0)03.2 2.2006
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
EM78612 has one CODE option registers, which are not part of the normal progra m memory.
The option bits cannot be accessed during normal program execution.
8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
R.S. Package_
OST_1 OST_0 Frequenc
Bit 0 (Frequency) : Frequency Selection.
0: The MCU run on 12 MHz
1: The MCU run on 6 MHz
Bit 2~1 (OST_1 ~ OST_0) : Oscillator Start-up Time.
00: 500us
01: 2ms
10: 8ms
11: 16ms
Bit 4~3 (Package_1 ~ Package_0) : Package t ype selector.
00 : 16 pins
01 : 18 pins
10 : 20 pins
11 : No define
Bit 5 (R.S.) : Resistor Switch. enable of Transceiver.
0: Disconnect internal USB D- pull high Register
1: Connect internal USB D- pull high Resister
Bit 8~6 :The values are fixed.