Universal Serial Bus Microcontroller
32 •
•Product Specification(V1.0)03.2 2.2006
(This specification is subject to changewithout further notice)
B. Instruction SetEach instruction in the instruction set is a 11-bit word divided into an OP code and one
or more operands. All instructions are executed within one single instruction cycle
(consisting of 2 oscillator periods), unless the program counter is changed by-
(a) Executing the instruction "MOV R2,A", "ADD R2,A", "TBL", or any other instructions
that write to R2 (e.g. "SUB R2,A", "BS R2,6", "CLR R2" , ⋅⋅⋅⋅).
(b) execute CALL, RET, RETI, RETL, JMP, Conditional skip (JBS, JBC, JZ, JZA, DJZ,
DJZA) which were tested to be true.
Under these cases, the execution takes two instruction c ycles.
In addition, the instruction set has the following f eatures:
(1). Every bit of any register can be set, cleared, or tes ted directly.
(2). The I/O register can be regarded as ge neral register. That is, the same instruction
can operate on I/O register.
The symbol "R" repres ents a register designator that specifies which one of the registers (including operational
registers and general purpose registers) is to be utilized by the instruction. Bits 6 and 7 in R4 determine the selected
register bank. "b" represents a bit field designator that selects the value f or the bit located in the register "R" and
affects operation. "k" represents an 8 or 10-bit constant or literal value.
0 0000 0000 0000 0000 NOP No Operation None
0 0000 0000 0001 0001 DAA Decimal Adjust A C
0 0000 0000 0010 0002 CONTW A →CONT None
0 0000 0000 0011 0003 SLEP 0 →WDT, Stop oscillator T,P
0 0000 0000 0100 0004 WDTC 0 →WDT T,P
0 0000 0000 rrrr 000r IOW R A→IOCR None <Note1>
0 0000 0001 0000 0010 ENI Enable Interrupt None
0 0000 0001 0001 0011 DISI Disable Interrupt None
0 0000 0001 0010 0012 RET [Top of Stack] →PC None
0 0000 0001 0011 0013 RETI [Top of Stack]→PC,
Enable Interrupt None
0 0000 0001 0100 0014 CONTR CONT →A None
0 0000 0001 rrrr 001r IOR R IOCR →A None <Note1>
0 0000 0010 0000 0020 TBL R2+A →R2,
Bits 8~9 of R2 unchanged Z,C,DC
0 0000 01rr rrrr 00rr MOV R,A A→R None
0 0000 1000 0000 0080 CLRA 0 →A Z
0 0000 11rr rrrr 00rr CLR R 0→R Z
0 0001 00rr rrrr 01rr SUB A,R R-A→A Z,C,DC
0 0001 01rr rrrr 01rr SUB R,A R-A→R Z,C,DC
0 0001 10rr rrrr 01rr DECA R R-1 ���A Z