Universal Serial Bus Microcontroller
Product Specification (V1.0)03.2 2.2006
(This specification is subject to change without further notice)
5 Pin Description
Symbol I/O Function
OSCI I 6MHz / 12MHz ceramic resonatorinput .
OSCO I/O Return path for 6MHz / 12MHz ceramic resonator.
V3.3V O3.3V DC voltage output from internal regulator.This pin should be tied to a
4.7 F decoupling capacitorto GND.
P60 ~ P67 I/O
Port6 offers up to 8 GIOP pins.
The pull high resistors (132KOhms) and pull low resistors (10K Ohm) are
selected through pin programming.
P70 ~ P73 I/O
Port7 offers up to4 GIOP pins. The sink current of P70 & P71 are programmable
for driving LED.
Each pin has pull high resistors (132KOhm) that can be selected through pin
D+ / P50 I/O
USB Plus data line interface or PS/2 line interface are user-defined through
firmware setting.
When the EM78612is running und er PS/2 mode, this pin will have an internal
pulled-high resistor (2.2K Ohm),with VDD=5.0V.
When this pin is used as a PS/2 line interface, it will generate an interrupt when
its state changes (Port5 state change interrupt enable).
D- / P51 I/O
USB Minus data line interface or PS/2 line interface are user-defined through
firmware setting.
When the EM78612 is running under PS/2 mode, this pin will have an internal
pulled-high resistor (2.2K Ohm), with VDD=5.0V.
When this pin is used as a PS/2 line interface, it will generate an interrupt when
its state changes (Port5 state changeinterrupt enable).
When the EM78612is running und er USB mode, this pin will have an internal
pulled-high resistor, 1.5k Ohm, with V3.3=3.3V.
VDD -Connects to the USB power source or to a nominal 5V-power supply. Actual VDD
range can vary between 4.4V and 5.2V.
VSS -Connects to ground.

Table 5-1 Pin Descriptions