Universal Serial Bus Microcontroller
Product Specification(V1.0)03.2 2.2006
(This specification is subject to changewithout further notice)
IOCD (Port 7 Pull-High Control Register) Default Value: (0B_0000_00 00)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
- - - - PH73 PH72 PH71 PH70
IOCD [0~3] Select whether the 132K Ohm pull-high resistor of Port 7 individual pin is
connected or not.
1: Enable the pull-high function.
0: Disable the pull-high function.
IOCE (Special Function Control Register) Default Value: (0B_1111_0000)
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
/Dual clock /WUE WTE RUN 0 0 0 0
IOCE [0~3] Undefined register. The default value is zero.
IOCE [4] Run bit. This bit can be cleared by the firmware and set during power-on,
or by the hardware at the falling edge of wake-up signal. When this bit is
cleared, the clock system is disabled and the MCU e nters into power
down mode. At the transition of wake-up signal from high to low, this bit is
set to enable the clock system.
1: Run mode. The EM78612 is working normally.
0: Sleep mode. The EM78612 is in power down mode.
IOCE [5] WatchDog Timer enable bit. The b it disable/enables the WatchDog
1: Enable WDT.
0: Disable WDT.
If the Code Option WTC bit is "0,” WDT is always disabled.
IOCE [6] Enable the wake-up function as triggered by port-change. This bit is set
by UDC.
1: Disable the wake-up function.
0: Enable the wake-up function.
IOCE [7] Dual clock Control bit. This bit is used to select the frequenc y of system
clock. When this bit is cleared, the MCU will run on very low frequency
save power and the UDC will stop working.
1: Selects EM78612 to run on normal frequency.
0: Selects to run on slow frequency.