Operating Instructions
3.4Operating Procedures
3.4.1Start-Up and Initialization
Follow these steps to start up the UPS.
1.Ensure the manual bypass switch is in UPS position. Close Input Circuit Breaker (CB1) and close the Control Enable Switch (SW2). You should see the following on the LCD display window:
UPS Initializing
Please wait...
3.4.3Manual Transfer to Bypass
To manually transfer the UPS to bypass, move the manual bypass switch to the bypass position. The manual bypass switch is behind the front bottom bezel. To transfer the UPS from bypass to normal mode, follow the on- screen instructions.
Main Menu
> Transfer to Bypass
*Press to Enable UPS Output.
Transfer to Bypass
Press for bypass Press ESC to cancel
2. Press or ESC button.
On Mains/Utility
Output % = xx
Battery Minutes yyy
Press for menu
3.Press to access the Main Menu.
3.4.2Shutting Down the UPS
Use the following procedure to power down the UPS.
1.Press to disable power from the connected equipment.
2.Verify request to disable the output by pressing .
3.Turn off the Enable Switch (SW2). Open the Input Circuit Breaker (CB1).
Assert manual bypass
Once is pressed, the bypass alarm will annunciate and cannot be canceled until the manual bypass switch is operated.
On Bypass
UPS on manual bypass
The load is not protected from utility interruptions when the UPS is in bypass mode.
To transfer the UPS from bypass to normal mode, simply operate the manual bypass switch back to the UPS position.
On return from bypass, the following screen will be displayed.
No active alarms
See Event Log