Reference Guide
Alarm Printer View the Active Alarm Printer
In order to configure the Active Alarm Printer for an Alarm Printer View instance, you need to open the Alarm Printer Properties pages, and select the Printers tab. See the Printers Page topic for further information on setting the Active Printer from here. The name that is in the signal's printer attribute must exactly match the name of the Active Printer . Printer Filtering
Printer Filtering must now be enabled in the OpenEnterprise settings file to make sure that only alarms/events for signals associated with a particular alarm printer are displayed and printed by the Alarm Printer Viewer.
To enable this feature open the Settings Editor and find the following key:-
Key: OpenEnterprise\Tasks\AlarmPrinter
Then look for the following value on this key and set its data to 1:-
Value: Print Filter
If the value does not exist, create it. Setting the data of the 'Print Filter' value to 1 will perform two tasks. The first is that it will disable the filter property pages in the Alarm Printer View and the second is the Alarm Printer Viewer will only show alarms/events that match the Active Printer selected in the Alarm Printer Viewer. An example is shown below.
1.2.5Setting up Printer Hardware
Colours for printing alarms are configured in OpenEnterprise by using the Alarm Priority Editor (see the 'Configuring Printout Colours' topic). However, the hardware device (printer) used for printing by the Alarm Printer View will need to be configured properly also. If the printer has colour capability, configuring it properly will produce alarms in the nearest colour chosen for that priority. The method of configuration varies depending upon the type of printer you have. Printer configuration is typically performed using one of the following three methods.
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