Gjplhfdkztv} Ds ghbj,htkb frecnbxtcre. cbcntve ENERGY® Speaker RC-Minib RC-Mini Center Series. Jlyj bp gjcktlyb[ ljcnb;tybq d lbpfqyt b frecnbrt, ENERGY® Speaker - htpekmnfn byntycbdys[ bccktljdfybq d j,kfcnb njxyjcnb djcghjbpdtltybz pderf. Cjdhtvtyyfz yfxbyrf, rfxtcndtyyfz yfhe;yfz jnltkrf, c,jhrf, ghjitlifz cnhj;fqibq rjynhjkm rfxtcndf, dct =nj j,tcgtxbn dfv jnkbxyjt djcghjbpdtltybt b eljdjkmcndbt jn ghjckeibdfybz..

Xnj,s ghfdbkmyj ecnfyjdbnm b yfcnhjbnm cbcntve yf jgnbvfkmyjt djcghjbpdtltybt pderf, dybvfntkmyj ghjxbnfqnt b cktleqnt bycnherwbzv. Jcnjhj;yj hfcgfreqnt fggfhfnehe. Cj[hfybnt rjhj,re b lheubt egfrjdjxyst vfnthbfks lkz lfkmytqituj bcgjkmpjdfybz.


C gjvjom. yj;f, jcnjhj;yj hfpht;mnt rktqre. ktyne b jnrhjqnt rjhj,re. Jnjuybnt rhfz rjhj,rb yfhe;e b ljcnfymnt egfrjdfyyst rjkjyrb bp rjhj,rb. Dsymnt jcnfkmyst ltnfkb b egfrjdre.

Cjlth;bvjt egfrjdrb:

4 - Cfvjrktzobtcz htpbyjdst ghjrkflrb

1 – Rhtgktybz lkz ecnfyjdrb (njkmrj lkz vjltkb RC-Mini)


Gjlcjtlbytybt dfitq frecnbxtcrjq cbcntvs: yfxybnt c jlyjq rjkjyrb, gjlcjtlbyzqnt gj jlyjve rfyfke, yfxbyfz c ahjynfkmys[ rjkjyjr. E,tlbntcm, xnj dcz cbcntvf jnrk.xtyf jn =ktrnhjgbnfybz dj dhtvz gjlcjtlbytybz. Gjkj;bntkmyfz b jnhbwfntkmyfz (rhfcyfz b xthyfz) rktvvs nthvbyfkf rjkjyrb LJK:YS cjdgflfnm c gjkj;bntkmysv b jnhbwfntkmysv (rhfcyfz b xthyfz) nthvbyfkfvb ghbtvybrf bkb ecbkbntkz. Tckb gjkzhyjcnm yt cjdgflftn, ds gjkexbnt gjvt[b b jncencndbt ,fcjds[ pderjd. Ghbcjtlbybd ahjynfkmyst rjkjyrb, cjtlbybnt jcnfkmyst rjkjyrb c cjjndtncnde.obvb rfyfkfvb ghbtvybrf bkb ecbkbntkz.


Ecnfyjdjxyst gfhfvtnhs Ghbtvybrf

Gfhfvtnhs vjltktq cthbb RC-Minib RC-Mini Center htrjvtyletncz ecnfyfdkbdfnm d “large” gjpbwbb. Ecnfyjdbnt xfcnjnyjcnm rhjccjdthf yf 100 uw. Yt htrjvtyletncz bcgjkmpjdfnm d frrecnbxtcrjq cbcntvt ENERGY rfrbt-kb,j aeyrwbb ehfdybdfybz, ghtlkj;tybt j rjnjhs[ ds gjkexftnt, rjulf ecnfyfdkbdftnt gjpbwb. “LARGE”, D ghjnbdyjv ckexft ds vj;tnt yfytcnb gjdht;ltybz dfibv lbyfvbrfv. D ,jkmijq rjvyfnt bkb rjulf nht,etncz vfrbcvfkmysq ds[jl, ecnfyjdbnt lbyfvbrb d gjpbwb. “small” b rhjccjdth ecnfyjdbnt yf 120 uw. Cf,death ljk;ty ,snm frnbdbhjdfy gjchtlcndjv ecnfyjdrb d gjpbwbb “on” bkb “use”.

Nht,jdfybz r Ecbkbntk.

Dct lbyfvbrb frrecnbxtcrjq cbcntvs Energy hfphf,jnfys nfr, xnj,s ,snm cjdvtcnbvsvb c ibhjrbv cgtrnhjv ghbtvybrjd b/bkb ecbkbntktq. Cjghjnbdktybt lkz dct[ vjltktq yf ehjdyt 8 jv., gjpdjkztn [jhjij aeyrwbjybhjdfnm ghfrnbxtcrb c k.,svb ecbkbntkzvb. Rjytxyj, xtv kexit ecbkbntkm b rjvgjytyns cbcntvs, ntv kexit ,eltn pdexfnm dcz frrecnbxtcrfz cbcntvf.


Df;yj ghjdtcnb ghjuhtd rjkjyjr RC-Minib RC-Mini Center Series lj njuj, rfr ds ghbcnegbnt r ecnfyjdrt b yfcnhjqrt cbcntvs, f nfr;t ntcnbhjdfyb. yf uhjvrjcnm. Jgnbvfkmysq ghjuhtd ghjbc[jlbn ghb ghjbuhsdfybb vepsrfkmyjuj ghjbpdtltybz ibhjrjuj lbfgfpjyf yf chtlytq uhjvrjcnb d ntxtybt rfr vj;yj ,jktt ljkujuj gthbjlf dhtvtyb. Vj;tnt djcgjkmpjdfnmcz aeyrwbtq GJDNJH yf dfitv CD bkb DVD ghjbuhsdfntkt. Jgnbvfkmyjuj pderf ds lj,mtntcm ghbvthyj xthtp 100 xfcjd ghjbuhsdfybz. Gjckt ghjuhtdf vj;tnt edtkbxbnm uhjvrjcnm. Yt edtkbxbdfqnt uhjvrjcnm rjkjyjr lj rjywf ghjuhtdf: ghtj,hfpjdfntkb pderf ljk;ys hfpvznmcz”, byfxt ds yfytctnt bv gjdht;ltybz.


Ytcvjnhz yf nj, xnj dct rjkjyrb cthbb RC-Minib RC-Mini Center vfuybnj=rhfybhjdfys, vfuybnyst gjvt[b vjuen bvtnm vtcnj. D ckexft ytpyfxbntkmys[ wdtnjds[ gjvt[ ghjcnj gjldbymnt rjkjyre yf ytcrjkmrj cfynbvtnhjd dgthtl, yfpfl bkb d cnjhjye jn ntktdbpjhf.

Ghbvtxfybt: LCD, DLP b gkfpvtyyst =rhfys yt gjldth;tys vfuybnysv gjvt[fv.


Dct vjltkb cthbb RC-Minib RC-Mini Center jcyfotys dscjrjrfxtcndtyysvb gjpjkjxtyysvb dbynjdsvb cjtlbybntkzvb - rjyytrnjhfvb, nfr xnj gjlrk.xtybt r k.,jve rfyfke ghjbc[jlbn jlbyfrjdj. Cjdtnetv bcgjkmpjdfnm rf,tkb dscjrjuj rfxtcndf, njkobyjq lj 12 (AWG). Vjltkb cthbb RC-Minib RC-Mini Center cjdvtcnbvs c hfpkbxysvb nbgfvb rjynfrnjd, drk.xfz gkjcrbq C- j,hfpysq rjynfrn, “l;=r” (jack) b inshtdjq cjtlbybntkm. Gthdsq, gj yfitve vytyb., ghtlgjxnbntkty, nfr rfr jy ghtljcnfdkztn ,jkmit rjynfrnyjq gkjoflb b ,jktt yflt;yjt cjtlbytybt. Tckb ds ghtlgjxbnftnt rfrjq-nj jghtltktyysq nbg rjynfrnf, j,hfnbntcm pf cjdtnjv r jabwbfkmyjve vtcnyjve lbkthe ENERGY, nfv dfv gjcjdtne.n, xnj ds,hfnm lkz dfitq cbcntvs. Bvtqnt ddble, xnj gjljqltn cfvsq ghjcnjq rjynfrn, b xnj rf,tkb b rjynfrns vj;yj gjvtyznm d k.,jq vjvtyn.

Tckb ds ds,hfkb rjynfrns jack, jnrhenbnt ,jkn d yfghfdktybb ghjnbd xfcjdjq cnhtkrb. Dsymnt rhfcyj-xthye. dcnfdre (pfukeire) b drhenbnt j,hfnyj ,jkn. Gkfcnbrjdfz dcnfdrf zdkztncz j,zpfntkmyjq vthjq ,tpjgfcyjcnb, jujdjhtyyjq vyjubvb vtcnysvb b ujcelfhcndtyysvb fccjwbfwbzvb. Gj;fkeqcnf, gjcvjnhbnt c[tvs jn 9F lj 9D.


Jcyjdyst Ktdst b Ghfdst Rjkjyrb

Jcyjdyst rjkjyrb j,sxyj ecnfyfdkbdf.n kbwjv r rjvyfnt gj j,t cnjhjys ntktdbpjhf bkb dbltj ghjtrnjhf. Tckb gjpdjkztn hfcgjkj;tybt vt,tkb, nj vt;le rjkjyrfvb ljk;yj ,snm hfccnjzybt yt vtytt 1.8 vtnhf. Xnj,s hfccxbnfnm jgnbvfkmyjt hfcgjkj;tybt, bpvthmnt hfccnjzybt vt;le rjkjyrfvb b vtcnjv, ult ,eltn hfcgjkfufnmcz ckeifntkm. Hfccnjzybt jn ckeifntkz lj rjkjyjr ljk;yj ,snm d gjknjhf hfpf ,jkmit, xtv hfccnjzybt vt;le rjkjyrfvb. Yfghbvth: tckb hfccnjzybt vt;le rjkjyrfvb b ckeifntktv 2.7 vtnhf, nj hfccnjzybt vt;le rjkjyrfvb ljk;yj ,snm

1.8vtnhf. Nfrjt hfcgjkj;tybt ufhfynbhetn dfv jnkbxysq cnthtjpder. +nj njkmrj yfxfkmyst htrjvtylfwbb, frecnbrf rjvyfns b hfcgjkj;tybt vt,tkb vj;tn nfr;t gjdkbznm yf hfpvtotybt rjkjyjr. Gj=rcgthbvtynbheqnt c b[ hfpvtotybtv, byjulf yt,jkmibt gthtcnfyjdrb vjuen jrfpfnm ceotcndtyyjt dkbzybt yf rfxtcndj pderf.

Vjltkm RC-Minibcgjkmpetncz d rfxtcndt ktdjq bkb ghfdjq ahjynfkmyjq rjkjyrb bkb d rfxtcndt rjkjyrb nskjdjuj rfyfkf. Tckb vjltkm RC-Miniecnfyfdkbdftncz yf gjkrt bkb gjlcnfdrt, ghbrktqnt 4 htpbyjdst ghjrkflrb r lyboe rjkjyrb, xnj ghtlj[hfybn tt b gjdth[yjcnm gjkrb jn gjdht;ltybq. Ghjcnj cybvbnt pfobnye. gktyre c ghjrkflrb b ghbrktqnt tt r lyboe rjkjyrb, gj jlyjq ghjrkflrt yf rf;lsq eujk. Htpbyjdst ghjrkflrb nfr;t ghtlj[hfyzn rjkjyrb jn ghbrktbdfybz r gjdth[yjcnb gjkrb bkb gjlcnfdrb. Cv. c[tve 10.

Vjltkm RC-Mini Center zdkztncz ktdjq, wtynhjdjq bkb ghfdjq rjkjyrjq, =nj pyfxbn, xnj tt vj;yj bcgjkmpjdfnm d ujhbpjynfkmyjv bkb dthnbrfkmyjv gjkj;tybb. Lbpfqy tt gjpdjkztn ecnfyjdre d k.,jq gkjcrjcnb ghb cj[hfytybb pderjds[ [fhfrnthbcnbr. Rktqrfz ktynf c kjujnbgjv Energy YT ghbrkttyf yf htitnre, nfr rfr =nf rjkjyrf vj;tn ,snm ecnfyjdktyf d hfpkbxys[ gjkj;tybz[. Gjckt njuj, rfr gjkj;tybt rjkjyrb ds,hfyj, jghtltkbnt ytj,[jlbvjt gjkj;tybt htitnrb b ghbrhtgbnt rktqre. ktyne c kjujnbgjv yf ctnre. Cv. c[tve 11.


Page 18
Image 18
Energy Speaker Systems RC-Mini Center owner manual Bycnherwbz GJ Ntybrt Tpjgfcyjcnb Ghjxbnfqnt Dybvfntkmyj

RC-Mini Center, RC-Mini specifications

The Energy Speaker Systems RC-Mini and RC-Mini Center are part of a sophisticated line of speakers designed to deliver exceptional sound quality and performance for home audio enthusiasts. Renowned for their compact size and impressive output, these speakers are ideal for anyone looking to enhance their audio experience without compromising on space.

The RC-Mini is particularly noted for its sleek, modern design that allows it to blend seamlessly into any interior décor. Despite its compact dimensions, the speaker is engineered to produce a well-balanced sound with deep bass and clear highs, making it an excellent choice for both music and movie audio. The RC-Mini Center complements this setup perfectly, engineered specifically for delivering dialogue and sound effects with clarity during film screenings.

One of the standout features of these speakers is the proprietary technology employed in their construction. Both models utilize advanced driver technology, which incorporates a high-efficiency woofer and a custom-engineered tweeter. This combination ensures that sound reproduction is accurate across all frequencies, capturing the subtle nuances in audio, whether it be a soft whisper in a movie or the intricate details in a musical performance.

Additionally, the RC-Mini and RC-Mini Center speakers benefit from a carefully calibrated acoustic design. This design minimizes distortion and maximizes sound dispersion, allowing for a wider sweet spot. Listeners can enjoy an immersive experience from various angles in the room, which is particularly useful in larger spaces with multiple viewers.

Another noteworthy aspect is the compatibility of the speakers. They are designed to pair beautifully with a wide range of audio equipment, making them versatile for various setups, whether you're utilizing a high-end receiver or a more standard home theater system. This ensures that you will not need to invest in new equipment to enjoy the benefits of these superior speakers.

In summary, the Energy Speaker Systems RC-Mini and RC-Mini Center are characterized by their compact design, advanced driver technology, acoustic engineering, and compatibility with a wide range of audio systems. Whether for home theaters, music playback, or general use, these speakers provide a remarkable blend of style and performance, making them a compelling choice for anyone serious about sound quality. Their features make them suitable for a variety of demands, ensuring that every listening experience is optimized for enjoyment.