S 8 . 2 / S 1 0 . 2



Lkz ghtljndhfotybz jgfcyjcnb gjhf;tybz =ktrnhbxtcrbv njrjv, ghb drk.xtybb intgctkz d hjptnre lj rjywf dcnfdkzqnt ibhjrbq rjynfrn d ibhjre. ghjhtpm.

Ghjxbnfqnt bycnherwb.

Gthtl bcgjkmpjdfybtv lfyyjuj bpltkbz9 ghjxbnfqnt dct bycnherwbb gj ,tpjgfcyjcnb b ghbvtytyb.7

Cj[hfybnt bycnherwb.

Bycnherwbb gj ,tpjgfcyjcnb b ghbvtytyb. ljk;ys ,snm cj[hfytys lkz bcgjkmpjdfybz b[ d ,eleotv7

Exnbnt ghtleght;ltybz

Cj,k.lfqnt dct ghtleght;ltybz jnyjcbntkmyj bpltkbz b bycnherwbb gj tuj ghbvtytyb.7

Cktleqnt bycnherwbzv

Dct ltqcndbt b bycnherwbb gj ghbvtytyb. ljk;ys x∑nrj cj,k.lfnmcz7


Dsrk.xfqnt bpltkbt bp hjptnrb gthtl xbcnrjq7 Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ;blrbt jxbcnbntkb bkb f=hjpjkm7 Bcgjkmpeqnt ckturf dkf;ye. nrfym lkz xbcnrb7


Yt bcgjkmpeqnt ghbkj;tybz9 yt htrjvtyletvst bpujnjdbntktv bpltkbz9 gjcrjkmre jyb vjuen ghbxbybnm dhtl7

Djlf b dkf;yjcnm

Yt bcgjkmpeqnt =nj bpltkbt jrjkj djls9 yfghbvth6 jrjkj dfyys9 re[jyyjq hfrjdbys bkb ghfxtxyjq4 dj dkf;yjv gjldfkt bkb jrjkj gkfdfntkmyjuj ,fcctqyf7


Otkb b jndthcnbz d rjhgect ghtlecvjnhtys lkz dtynbkzwbb b ufhfynbb yflt;yjcnb hf,jns bpltkbz b pfobns tuj jn gthtuhtdfybz9 b =nb jndthcnbz yt ljk;yj ,snm ,kjrbhjdfys bkb gjrhsns7 Jyb ybrjulf yt ljk;ys nfr;t ,snm ,kjrbhjdfys xthtp gjvtotybt bpltkbz yf rhjdfnm9 lbdfy9 rjdhbr9 bkb lheue. gjlj,ye. gjdth[yjcnm7 Tckb yflkt;fofz dtynbkzwbz yt j,tcgtxbdftncz9 =nj bpltkbt yt ljk;yj ,snm gjvtotyj d pfrhsnjt ghjcnhfycndj9 nbgf ryb;yjuj irfaf bkb cnjqrb7

Bcnjxybrb gbnfybz

+nj bpltkbt ljk;yj bcgjkmpjdfnmcz njkmrj jn njuj nbgf bcnjxybrf gbnfybz9 rjnjhsq j,jpyfxty yf vfhrbhjdrt zhksrf7 Tckb Ds yt edthtys jnyjcbntkmyj nbgf =ktrnhjgbnfybz d Dfitv ljvt9 ghjrjycekmnbheqntcm c Dfibv lbkthjv bkb vtcnyjq =ythutnbxtcrjq rjvgfybtq7 Gj djghjcfv gbnfybz jn ,fnfhtq bkb lheujuj bcnjxybrf gbnfybz9 gj;fkeqcnf9 j,hfnbntcm r bycnherwbb gj =rcgkefnfwbb7

Pfptvktybt b gjkzhbpfwbz

+nj bpltkbt vj;tn ,snm j,jheljdfyj gjkzhbpjdfyysv intgctktv 5intgctkm9 bvt.obq jlye gkfcnbye9 ibht lheujq87 +njn intgctkm djql∑n d hjptnre njkmrj jlybv cgjcj,jv7 +nj jcj,tyyjcnm j,tcgtxbdftn ,tpjgfcyjcnm7 Tckb Ds yt vj;tnt dcnfdbnm intgctkm gjkyjcnm. d hjptnre9 ghj,eqnt gthtdthyenm intgctkm7 Tckb intgctkm dct ;t yt d[jlbn9 j,hfnbntcm r =ktrnhbre9 xnj,s pfvtybnm hjptnre7 YT yfyjcbnt dhtlf ,tpjgfcyjcnb gjkzhbpjdfyyjuj intgctkz7

Pfobnf iyehf =ktrnhjgbnfybz

Iyehs =ktrnhjgbnfybz ljk;ys ,snm hfpvtotys nfr9 xnj,s jyb yt yf[jlbkbcm yf ghj[jlf[9 yt pf;bvfkbcm ghtlvtnfvb gjcnfdktyysvb yf yb[ bkb ghjnbd yb[9 ,elmnt jcj,j dybvfntkmys r iyehfv d intgctkz[ b vtcnfv9 ult jyb ds[jlzn bp bpltkbz7


Yt gthtuhe;fqnt hjptnre b iyehs elkbybntkz9 gjcrjkmre =nj vj;tn ,snm cdzpfyj c hbcrjv gj;fhf bkb =ktrnhbxtcrjuj elfhf7

Ghtlvtns b ;blrjcnb

Ybrjulf yt ghjnfkrbdfqnt k.,juj dblf ghtlvtns d bpltkbt xthtp jndthcnbz9 gjcrjkmre jyb vjuen rfcfnmcz vtcn jgfcyjuj yfghz;tybz9 b =nj vj;tn ghbdtcnb r gj;fhe bkb elfhe njrjv7 Ybrjulf yt hfpkbdfqnt ;blrjcnm k.,juj dblf yf bpltkbt7


Yt gsnfqntcm j,cke;bdfnm =nj bpltkbt cfvjcnjzntkmyj9 xthtp jnrhsnbt bkb elfktybt gjrhsnbq9 =nj vj;tn gjldthuyenm Dfc jgfcyjve yfghz;tyb. bkb lheubv jgfcyjcnzv7

Dscjrfz ntvgthfnehf

+nj bpltkbt ljk;yj ,snm hfcgjkj;tyj dlfktrt jn bcnjxybrjd dscjrjq ntvgthfnehs nbgf hflbfnjhjd9 gtxtq bkb lheub[ ghb,jhjd 5drk.xfz ecbkbntkb8 rjnjhst dsltkz.n xhtpvthyj dscjre. ntvgthfnehe7

Ythf,jxbq gthbjl

Iyeh gbnfybz ljk;ty ,snm dsrk.xty bp hjptnrb9 rjulf bpltkbt yt bcgjkmpetncz lkbntkmysq gthbjl dhtvtyb7

Ecnhfytybt ytbcghfdyjcntq

+nj bpltkbt ljk;yj j,cke;bdfnmcz rdfkbabwbhjdfyysv j,cke;bdf.obv gthcjyfkjv rjulf

5F8 iyeh =ktrnhjgbnfybz bkb intgctkm ,sk gjdht;lty9

5B8 egfkb ghtlvtns9 bkb ;blrjcnm ,skf ghjkbnf d ghb,jh9 5C8 bpltkbt gjgfkj gjl lj;lm9

5D8 ghb,jh dtl∑n ct,z yt j,sxyj bkb pfvtnyj bpvtybkcz pderjdjq =aatrn9 5E8 bpltkbt egfkj bkb dyenhtyyjcnb tuj ,skb gjdht;ltys7

“ENERGY”, the “ENERGY” logo, “Musical Truth”, “Take 5.5”, the “Take 5.2” logo and “API Accessories” — njhujdst vfhrb Audio Products International Corp. “Dolby”, “Dolby Pro-Logic” and “Dolby Digital Surround”— njhujdst vfhrb Dolby Kbwtypbhjdfyys[ Kf,jhfnjhbq7 DTS — Njhujdfz vfhrf Digital Theater Systems Inc.


Vs c ujhljcnm. ghbdtncndetv Dfc rfr yjdjuj dkfltkmwf ENERGY Speaker System.

Uhjvrjujdjhbntkb ENERGY — htpekmnfn j,ibhyjuj bccktljdfybz d njxyjv9 pderjdjv djcghjbpdtltybb b ghtlcnfdkz.n cj,jq dtleoe. nt[yjkjub. d lbpfqyt b bcgjkytybb7 Cfvst ghtrhfcyst rjvgjytyns b vfnthbfks9 cjdvtcnyj cj ckj;ysv ghjbpdjlcndjv b ghjwtlehjq rjynhjkz rfxtcndf9 ufhfynbhe.n vyjuj ktn yfl∑;yjq hf,jns b eljdjkmcndbt jn ghjckeibdfybz7

Gj;fkeqcnf9 ds,thbnt dhtvz9 xnj,s ghjxbnfnm dct bycnherwbb9 cjlth;fobtcz d =njv herjdjlcndt9 xnj,s ,snm edthtyysv9 xnj Dfif cbcntvf ljk;ysv j,hfpjv ecnfyjdktyf b hf,jnftn ghfdbkmyj7

E,tlbntcm9 xnj hfcgfrjdfkb Dfie cbcntve frrehfnyj7 Cj[hfybnt rfhnjy b dtcm egfrjdjxysq vfnthbfk lkz ,eleotuj bcgjkmpjdfybz7



Ceotcndetn ldf vtnjlf9 rjnjhsvb Ds vj;tnt gjlcjtlbybnm Dfi ljgjkybntkmysq ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr ENERGY r Dfitq felbj3dbltj cbcntvt7 Gthdsq 1Dscjrbq Ehjdtym Cjtlbytybz2 b dnjhjq 1Ybprbq Ehjdtym Cjtlbytybz27 Rjvgjytyns Dfitq cbcntvs ghjlbrne.n9 rfrjq vtnjl bcgjkmpjdfnm9 yj 1Dscjrbq Ehjdtym Cjtlbytybz2 vj;tn bcgjkmpjdfnmcz c afrnbxtcrb k.,sv ghbtvybrjv bkb ecbkbntktv7


Bcgjkmpjdfybt dscjrjuj vtnjlf cjtlbytybz

5Lkz bcgjkmpjdfybz c ghbtvybrfvb9 rjnjhst yt bvt.n ds[jlf lkz ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf8

Yf nskmyjq cnjhjyt Dfituj ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf ENERGY tcnm j,jpyfxtyysq ,kjr High Level 5dscjrbq ehjdtym87 +njn ,kjr cjlth;bn xtnsht gfhs nthvbyfkjd lkz uhjvrjujdjhbntktq7 Ldf yf ghfdbkmyjq cnjhjyt j,jpyfxtys rfr Input 5D[jl89 ldf cktdf — j,jpyfxtys Output 5ds[jl87 Cjtlbybnt gfhe uhjvrjujdjhbntktq rf,tkzvb jn Dfituj ghbtvybrf b cjtlbybnt b[ c ktdsv b ghfdsv nthvbyfkfvb D[jlyf ghfdbkmyjq cnjhjyt7 rf;lfz gfhf nthvbyfkjd j,jpyfxtyf wdtnjv9 xthyfz3rhfcyfz7 r =nbv nthvbyfkfv gjljqlen ghjdjlf lj !@-nb if,kjyyjuj ehjdyz7

Ecnfyjdbnt chtlcndj eghfdktybz BL 5ehjdtym ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf8 b LPF 5Ybprbq Abkmnh Ghj[jlf8 yf ljgjkybntkmyjv ybprjxfcnjnyjv lbyfvbrt ghb,kbpbntkmyj yf gjpbwb. !6)) xfc7 +nj Dfif jnghfdyfz njxrf9 lkz ,jktt njxyjuj htuekbhjdfybz9 gj;fkeqcnf9 cv7 hfpltk 1Ecnfyjdrf b rfkb,hjdrf2 gjp;t d =njv herjdjlcndt7 Cv7 Lbfuhfvve !7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 E,tlbntcm9 xnj ecnfyjdrf gthtlytuj lbyfvbrf ghbtvybrf ecnfyjdktyf yf gjpbwb. “Large”5uhjvrj8 b ljgjkybntkmysq ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr ecnfyjdkty yf gjpbwb. “NO” 5ytn87

GJVYBNT6 Dctulf gjlcjtlbyzqnt rhfcysq r rhfcyjve b x∑ysq r x∑hyjve9 ghb cjtlbytybb ghbtvybrf b ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7 Tckb Ds gj ytjcnjhj;yjcnb bpvtybnt jlby bp rjynfrnjd 5nj tcnm rhfcysq r x∑hyjve89 Ds pfvtnbnt ytljcnfnjr ,fcjd d rjkjyrf[7

Bcgjkmpjdfybt √Subwoofer Output 5ds[jlf ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf82 A/V ghbtvybrf bkb ghjwtccjhf

5Lkz bcgjkmpjdfybz c Ghbtvybrfvb9 ult tcnm ds[jl RCA ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf b c gjkj;tybtv yf gjke bkb uhjvrjujdjhbntktq c gjkybv lbfgfpjyjv87

+njn vtnjl nht,etn jlby rf,tkm RCA-TO-RCA9 xnj,s cjtlbybnm ds[jl ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf Dfituj A/V ghbtvybrf bkb ghjwtccjhf c uytpljv d[jlf7 +njn vtnjl gjpdjkztn rjynhjkbhjdfnm uhjvrjcnm ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf c ghbtvybrf9 tckb jy nfr j,jheljdfy7 Htuekznjh BL 5rjynhjkm ehjdyz8 b LPF 5ybprbq abkmnh ghj[jlf8 aeyrwbjybhe.n c =nbv dbljv cjtlbytybz nfr9 xnj Ds ljk;ys jnhtuekbhjdfnm b[7 Ecnfyjdrb ,elen cbkmyj jnkbxfnmcz d pfdbcbvjcnb jn Dfituj ghbtvybrf9 b rfr jy j,jheljdfy7 Ytrjnjhst cjdtns drk.xtys d hfpltk 1Ecnfyjdrf b rfkb,hjdrf2 gjp;t d =njv herjdjlcndt7 Cv7 Lbfuhfvve @7

J<HFNBNT DYBVFYBT6 Eljcnjdthbntcm9 xnj htuekznjh gthtlytuj lbyfvbrf ghbtvybrf9 ecnfyjdkty yf gjpbwb. Large 5uhjvrj89 b ljgjkybntkmysq ybprjxfcnjnysq lbyfvbr ecnfyjdkty d gjpbwb. YES 5lf87

Bcgjkmpjdfybt dytiytuj gtht[jlybrf

5Lkz bcgjkmpjdfybz c Ghbtvybrfvb c ds[jljv RCA ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf b uhjvrjujdjhbntktq lkz ryb;yjq gjkrb8

+njn vtnjl nht,etn jlby rf,tkm RCA-TO-RCA9 xnj,s cjtlbybnm ds[jl ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf dytiytuj gtht[jlybrf c uytpljv {-d[jlf Dfituj ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf7 +njn vtnjl vj;tn nfr;t bcgjkmpjdfnmcz9 tckb Dfi A/V Ghbtvybr bvttn ecjdthitycndjdfybq9 dcnhjtyysq gtht[jlybr7 +nj cjtlbytybt j,[jlbn ctrwbb LPF 5Ybprbq Abkmnh Ghj[jlf8 b BL 5rjynhjkm ehjdyz8 ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf9 gjpdjkzz cbuyfke ghjqnb xthtp njkmrj jlye dscjre. ctnm abkmnhjd7 5lkz ltnfktq Cv7 Herjdjlcndj gj =rcgkefnfwbb dytiytuj gtht[jlybrf78 Tlbycndtyysq cgjcj, eghfdktybz ds[jljv ljgjkybntkmyjuj ybprjxfcnjnyjuj lbyfvbrf9 xthtp chtlcndj eghfdktybz9 yf[jlzobtcz yf dytiytv gtht[jlybrt bkb ghbtvybrt7 Cv7 Lbfuhfvve #7


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Energy Speaker Systems S10.2 owner manual Herjdjlcndj GJ +RCGKEFNFWBB

S10.2 specifications

The Energy Speaker Systems S10.2 is a remarkable addition to the world of audio enthusiasts, recognized for its quality, versatility, and impressive performance. This subwoofer is engineered to enhance any audio setup, providing deep, resonant bass that complements a variety of music genres and movie soundtracks alike.

One of the standout features of the S10.2 is its compact yet powerful design. Sporting an efficient 10-inch long-throw woofer, it delivers robust low-frequency response without overwhelming the space it occupies. The woofer is crafted from high-quality materials that ensure durability while optimizing sound clarity and performance.

The S10.2 incorporates advanced technologies that set it apart from other subwoofers in its class. One notable innovation is its intelligent DSP (Digital Signal Processing) control, which allows for precise adjustments and seamless integration with different audio systems. This technology also helps in reducing distortion, preserving audio fidelity even at high volumes.

Another significant feature is the adjustable crossover frequency, enabling users to tailor the subwoofer’s output to the specific characteristics of their main speakers. This customization is crucial for achieving a balanced and cohesive soundstage, enhancing the overall listening experience. Furthermore, the S10.2 includes phase correction circuitry, which optimizes the alignment of sound waves for improved clarity and definition.

The subwoofer is equipped with both line and speaker level inputs, providing versatile connectivity options. This adaptability makes it suitable for various setups, whether it’s a home theater system, a music listening room, or a professional audio installation. Additionally, the S10.2 has a built-in amplifier, delivering powerful performance without the need for an external power source.

Aesthetically, the Energy Speaker Systems S10.2 boasts a sleek and modern design that fits seamlessly into any environment. The durable cabinet construction minimizes vibrations and standing waves, further enhancing audio quality.

In conclusion, the Energy Speaker Systems S10.2 stands out as a well-rounded subwoofer, merging advanced technology with quality design. Its impressive features, including the long-throw woofer, DSP control, adjustable crossover frequency, and versatile connectivity, make it an excellent choice for anyone looking to elevate their audio experience. Whether for casual listening or critical audio applications, the S10.2 delivers, ensuring that users enjoy every note and sound effect with precision and depth.