Options 6-7
Rev. C
A5 size CHAP6.FM
2/11/00 Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
tanto name SEI Y.Takasaki M.Fujimori
leader name M.Fujimori
editor name SEI M.Kauppi
You need to select TPU for Neg. Film or TPU for Pos. Film in the
Document Source settings in EPSON TWAIN depending on the
type of film (negative or positive) you are scanning. The scanner
software automatically controls the operation of the Film Adapter.
Follow the steps below to load film or slides.
Hold the film at the edges, or else use gloves. Touching the film
surface with bare hands can leave fingerprints or other traces on
the film.
1. Open the top of the Film Adapter, holding the base down.
2. Load the transparency to be scanned face down on the
scanner’s document table in the window of the Film Adapter
as shown below.