Getting to Know Your Scanner 1-7
Rev. C
A5 size CHAP1.FM
2/11/00 Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
tanto name SEI Y.Takasaki M.Fujimori
leader name M.Fujimori
editor name SEI M.Kauppi
The following optional items are available to expand the
versatility of your scanner. For detailed informatio n on the use of
these options, see Chapter 6 of this guide.
Automatic Document Feeder (B81314✽
Designed primarily for optional character recognition (OCR)
scanning, the Automatic Document Feeder allows you to scan up to
20 pages automatically, then use them in word processing programs,
as if you had typed the text yourself.
Film Adapter (B81317✽
Allows you to scan transparent materials; primarily 35 mm slides and
filmstrips. The Film Adapter’s reading area allows you to scan film
up to 4 × 5 inches in size.
The asterisk is a substitute for the last digit of the product number, which
varies by country.
Button Function
Operate Turns the scanner on and off.
] St a r t The h a r dw a r e s w i tc h t o e x ec u t e s c a nn i n g a n d
transfer the scanned image to assigned
application software. To use this feature, you
need to setup software. See Chapter 3 for
more details.