Using Your Scanner 4-9
Rev. C
A5 size USING.FM
1/12/00 Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
SEI Y.Takasaki M.Fujimori
SEI M.Kauppi
Using UpdaterThe Updater utility imports user-defined settings you created for
Image Type, Destination, or Tone Correction settings from the old
version to the new version of EPSON TWA IN Pro.
If the user-defined settings you created on the old version of the
EPSON TWAIN Pro includes information for the Automatic
Document Feeder (ADF) or Transparency Unit (TPU), the
following dialog box is displayed. Select the appropriate options.
If you have both the Automatic Document Feeder and the
Transparency unit, and select Both on the above dialog box, the
following dialog box appears. Click the appropriate option and
repeat this procedure for all user-defined settings for each option.
setting’s name