Using Your Scanner 4-11
Rev. C
A5 size USING.FM
1/12/00 Pass 3
Proof Sign-off:
SEI Y.Takasaki M.Fujimori
SEI M.Kauppi
❏You cannot scan an image that exceeds available memory or disk
space. If you attempt to scan an image that is too large, an alert
appears on the screen.
❏Before you begin scanning, you should calibrate your screen. For
details, see your Software Reference Guide.
❏After an image is scanned, be sure to save it.
Document SourceWhen using the document table of the scanner, leave the
Document Source set to Flatbed. Other selections are available
depending on what is installed.
Uninstalled options are not displayed.
Select any of the following settings from the Document Source
Select this setting when you use the scanner document table.
Auto Document Feeder:
Select this setting when using the option al Automatic
Document Feeder that can take only single sided documents.
This setting is available only when the optional Automatic
Document Feeder has been installed.