The procedure for changing a jumper setting is given first, then the jumper functions and locations for each card are described separately. All the instructions assume you have already removed the cover from the computer.

Changing a Jumper Setting

A jumper setting is determined by the jumper’s position: either between pin A and the middle pin (position A) or between pin B and the middle pin (position B). Both positions are shown below.

To move a jumper from one position to the other, use needle- nose pliers or tweezers to lift it off the board and gently move it to the other position. Be careful not to lose the jumper or leave it out of the computer.

Memory Card Jumpers

The jumpers on the memory card control the following functions:

Amount of RAM (main memory). If you install a memory card that needs to use part of the main memory, you may need to change the jumper settings to disable some of the main memory on the memory card. Be sure to check your memory card instructions to see if this is necessary.

EPROM size. You can change the EPROM size jumper if you install a different size of EPROM.