6.If you have been using your hard disk for a long time and begin to see numerous read/write errors, you may need to reformat the hard disk. If you decide to do this, follow these steps:

Back up all the data on the disk using the BACKUP command (described in the MS-DOS manual).

Follow the instructions in Appendix D to perform a low-level format.

Follow the instructions in Appendix E to prepare the hard disk for use.

7.If you have installed a hard disk drive made by another company in your computer, it may need to be partitioned and formatted. If this is the case, see Appendix E for instructions. If it needs a low-level (physical) format, do that before you partition the disk. (See Appendix D for instructions.)

Software Problems

If you are having trouble with an application program, try the following solutions:

1.If the application program does not start, check that you are following the correct procedure for starting the program, and that it is installed correctly. If you have a hard disk and the program is stored in a directory on that drive, make sure you are logged onto or specifying the correct directory. If you don’t have a hard disk, make sure you have inserted the application diskette in the top drive (drive A).

Troubleshooting 6-11