Main memory

The amount of memory in the computer up to 1MB that is available to MS-DOS and application programs. Also called base memory.

Math coprocessor

An optional device that enables the computer to process certain mathematical calculations faster.

Megabyte (MB)

A unit used to measure storage space in a computer’s memory or on a disk. One megabyte equals 1,048,576 bytes.

Megahertz (MHz)

A unit used to measure oscillation frequency (of a computer’s internal timing clock). A megahertz is one million cycles per second. The Apex operates at 8 MHz or 12 MHz.


The area where your computer stores data. Memory contents can be permanent and inalterable (ROM) or temporary (RAM).


Multi-graphics Adapter. The type of display adapter that can display monochrome or color text and graphics on the screen.

MicroprocessorA small version of a CPU contained on one semiconductor chip.Modem

A device that allows a computer to transmit signals over telephone lines so it can send and receive data. Modem stands for MOdulator/DEModulator.