Hard Disk Drives and Controller Check

Use this option to test the performance of the hard disk drive installed in your computer. If any errors occur, have the drive checked and serviced by your Customer Care Center.

When you select option 17 from the DEVICE LIST, you see this menu:


1- Seek check

2- Write, read check

3- Head select check

4- Error detection and correction check

5- Read, verify check

6- Run all above checks

0 - Exit

Enter selection number:

If you specify to run the hard disk drive check multiple times, this menu does not appear and only the first three tests are performed.

When you select a check from this menu, the program determines the number of hard disk drives installed in your computer. If you have more than one drive, each time you select a test you see this prompt:

Check which drive (C/D)?

Press C or D and then Enter.

Seek Check

This test checks the ability of the read/write heads to locate any part of the hard disk. This action by a read/write head is called a seek. During this test, each head seeks each cylinder of the disk in sequence, starting from the center.