8.Press any key to restart the system (the MS-DOS Startup diskette is already in drive A). Your computer reloads MS-DOS, displaying the preliminary copyright information and the date prompt.

9.Press Enter twice to accept the date and time shown.

The system now recognizes the MS-DOS partition as drive C and the extended partition as drive D. To install MS-DOS on your hard disk, you must format these logical drives.

Formatting the Primary Partition

Use the MS-DOS SELECT command to format the primary partition, drive C. SELECT automatically does the following:

Formats the partitionLabels the partitionCopies the MS-DOS system files to the hard disk.

After you have done this, MS-DOS boots automatically from this partition on the hard disk every time you turn on or reset your computer (as long as there is no diskette in drive A).

Follow these steps to format the primary partition:

1.Insert the working copy of your MS-DOS Startup diskette in drive A (if it is not there already), and turn on the computer if necessary.

2.At the A> prompt, type the following and press Enter: