1-14 Setting Up the Printer
Rev. C
A5 size SETUP.FM
6/14/00 Pass 3
LProof Sign-off:
SEI Y.Ohkawara T.Takahashi
SEI M.Kauppi K.Blair
Connecting the Printer to Your Computer Your printer has two separate interface connections: an IEEE-1284
compatible parallel interface and Type B optional interface. See
“Optional interface cards” on page A-4 for more informa tion.
If your computer requires a different type of print er interface, you
should be able to use one of the optional interfaces described on
“Optional interface cards” on page A-4.
Follow the steps below to connect the printer to your computer
using a parallel interface connector, or a ground wire connector.
1. Make sure both the printer and computer are turned off.
2. Plug the cable connector securely into the parallel interface
parallel interface