Specifications brightness, 1, 93 electrical, 94 environmental, 95 general, 93 lamp, 94
remote control, 94 resolution, 1, 93 safety, 95
Support, 3 to 4, 72 to 73
Technical support, 3 to 4, 72 to 73 Temperature
light, 63 to 64 requirements, 95
Timer, lamp, 58 Tint setting, 41 Tracking, adjusting, 40 Transporting projector, 59 Troubleshooting
image and sound problems, 65 to 70 projector problems, 61 to 70 remote control problems, 71
Turning off picture, 33 Turning off projector, 29 to 30 Turning on projector, 20 to 21