Operation Property
property. Otherwise, the rotation angle is determined by the Angle result of the
AngleObject. The rotation is counter-clockwise for positive angles.
18 - FlipHoriz Flips the image from left to right.
19 - FlipVert Flips the image from top to bottom.
20 - FlipBoth Flips the image horizontally and vertically.
The Operation settings can be grouped as follows:
Open, Close, Erode, Dilate
The morphological operations use grayscale morphology. The Polarity property determines which shade
to operate on: Dark or Light. For example, if you have dark objects on a light background, then you should
set the Polarity property to DarkOnLight. If you were to set Polarity to LightOnDark for the same image,
then executing Erode will look like a Dilate, because the light objects will be eroded, making the dark
objects dilated. The Iterations property determines how many times to execute the operation.
Smooth, Sharpen1, Sharpen2, HorizEdge, VertEdge, EdgeDetect1 EdgeDetect2, LaPlaceEdge1,
LaPlaceEdge2, Thin, Thicken
The Polarity property determines which shade to operate on for the Thin and Thicken operations. The
Iterations property determines how many times to execute the operation.
Image Manipulation
Rotate, FlipHoriz, FlipVert, FlipBoth
ThresholdLow and ThresholdHigh are the boundaries for determining which gray values will be black and
which values will be white. All gray values in between the thresholds will be black and all others will be
See Also
ImageOp Object, Iterations Property
94 Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1