SearchWinHeight Property
Applies To
Vision Objects: Blob, Correlation, Geometric, ImageOp
Defines the height of an object's search window.
VGet Sequence.Object.SearchWinHeight, var
VSet Sequence.Object.SearchWinHeight, value
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Object Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the
specified sequence.
var Integer variable that will contain the value of the property.
value Integer expression for the new value of the property.
Integer number in pixels from 10 to video height - SearchWinTop
Default: 100
The SearchWinHeight property is available for the Blob, Correlation, Geometric, and ImageOp objects.
Each of these object types have similar rectangular Search Windows used to define the area to search
within. The SearchWinHeight property is set automatically when the user drags the upper or lower
horizontal window handles for the Search Window of each object type.
There are cases where the user may want to expand or position the Search Window dynamically and for
that reason the SearchWinHeight property can also be set from the SPEL+ Language.
Do not the set the SearchWinHeight setting too large. If the value is too large, the detection time gets
longer and may result in false detection.
See Also
Blob Object, Correlation Object, Geometric Object, ImageOp Object, Object Tab, SearchWinLeft Property,
SearchWinTop Property, SearchWinWidth Property, Window Property
Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1 145