MinMaxArea Property
Runtime only
Applies To
Vision Objects: Blob
Defines the lower and upper Area limits for the Blob object. For a Blob to be found it must have an Area
result greater than the MinArea property and less than the MaxArea property. (MinMaxArea property was
added to allow easy manipulation of both the MinArea and MaxArea Properties from one function call in
the SPEL+ language.)
VGet Sequence.Object.MinMaxArea, minVar, maxVar
VSet Sequence.Object.MinMaxArea, minVar, maxVar
Sequence Name of a sequence or string variable containing a sequence name.
Object Name of an object or string variable containing an object name. The object must exist in the
specified sequence.
minVar Long variable containing the minimum area to get from or set to the MinArea property
maxVar Long variable containing the maximum area to get from or set to the MaxArea property
For details, refer to MaxArea Property or MinArea Property.
The purpose of the MinMaxArea property is to provide a single function call from the SPEL+ language to
allow the setting of both the MinArea and MaxArea Properties.
Do no set the MinMaxArea setting too large. If the range is too large, it may result in false detection.
See Also
Area Result, Blob Object, MaxArea Property, MinArea Property, Object Tab
Vision Guide 5.0 Reference (Ver.5.3) Rev.1 73