Chapter 1


About Your Printer

Your printer has a built-in Ethernet interface and can connect anywhere on your network using 10Base-T or 100Base-TX. The built-in Ethernet interface automatically selects the correct link speed and network protocols when it connects to the network.

The network interface supports multiple protocols and automatically detects the protocols being used on your network. You can print from Microsoft® Windows® and Mac OS® X applications.

If you want to configure the network interface to use TCP/IP and SNMP network protocols, use EpsonNet Config. The configuration utility is provided with your printer, and allows you to quickly and easily configure the network interface.


The EpsonNet Config utility configures the network interface to work only with protocols that exist on your network. This does not imply that you can use all of the above-mentioned protocols on your network or operating system. The protocols that the network interface can use may vary depending on the operating system and the network configuration.

About This Guide

This Network Guide contains information about using the network interface on a network. It includes how to set up the network interface, install the configuration software, and configure your printer and computer network settings.

For information about your printer, see your Printer Guide or User’s Guide.
