Line Sequence

A type of color scanning that separates primary colors line by line. The carriage makes only one pass.


A data compression system that intentionally discards (or loses) some data from the original image.


The tonal value of a dot, located approximately halfway between the highlight value and the shadow value.


An unwanted interference pattern that can occur when a halftone image is scanned or when it is scaled in an application after it has been scanned.


Black and white images, or images represented only by the intensity of luminosity.

Page Sequence

A type of color scanning in which the entire image is scanned once for each separation color. The carriage makes three passes.


The directory and subdirectories you specify to locate a file. For example, the path for the TWAIN directory in Windows may be C:\WINDOWS\TWAIN.


PC Paintbrush file format.


Picture Element. Each image is composed of a number of pixels. Pixels are sometimes called dots.

Pixel Depth

An EPSON TWAIN setting that lets you select the amount of color information in a file.

6Term Glossary