An interface channel through which data is transmitted between devices.
ResolutionIndication of how finely an image is resolved into pixels. Measured in dots per inch (dpi), pixels per inch (ppi), or sometimes samples per inch (spi).
RLE CompressionThe amount of color in a specific hue. Unsaturated colors tend to be pale. Saturated colors tend to be rich and vibrant.
ScalingReducing or increasing the size of an image.
ScanAn operation performed by the sensor and the carriage of a scanner. Scanning divides the image into pixels.
Scanning AreaThe physical size of the image that can be scanned by the scanner.
SCSISmall Computer System Interface. EPSON scanners may use the Adaptec
An EPSON TWAIN option that lets you adjust the darkest areas of an image. The range between highlight and shadow determines the range and the color differentiation of the image.
Term Glossary 7