Check Remedy
Is the Color Adjustment set correctly? Adjust the Color Adjustment setting from the Configuration Menu. s Image Menu - Color Adjustment p.49
Are the Color Saturation and Tint adjusted correctly?
Only when projecting images from a video source
Adjust the Color Saturation and Tint settings from the Configuration Menu. s Image Menu - Color Saturation, Tint
Images appear dark
Check Remedy
Are the image brightness and luminance adjusted correctly? Adjust the Brightness and Brightness Control settings from the Configuration Menu.
s Image Menu - Brightness p.49 s Settings Menu - Brightness Control p.52
Is Contrast
adjusted correctly? Adjust the Contrast setting from the Configuration Menu.
s Image Menu - Contrast p.49
Is it time to replace the Lamp? When the time approaches to replace the Lamp , the images become darker and the color quality becomes poorer. When
this happens, replace the Lamp with a new lamp. s p.75
Problem Solving