Also, whenever you start your computer, if the system detects an error in your system configuration, you will see the following message:

Press the F1 key to continue, F2 to run the setup utility

Press F2 to run the SETUP program to correct your


The table below lists the keys you can use to perform SETUP operations.

SETUP function keys


t&t +Moves the cursor to the next or previous modifiable option

4-Changes the values in the field


Displays the next or the previous menu

F1Displays a help screen describing the option currently selected

F4From the exit menu, saves the changes you have made and restarts your computer

F5From the exit menu, supplies the factory default values for all SETUP options

F6From the exit menu. leaves the SETUP program without saving any changes


Displays the exit menu

Whenever you are in the SETUP program, the bottom of the screen lists the keys you can press to perform specific functions.

Setting Up Your System 1-9