If you have a hard disk drive, take these additional precautions:

Never turn off the computer’s power when the hard disk LED lamp is on. The red light indicates the computer is copying data to or from the hard disk. If you interrupt this process, you can lose data.

Never attempt to open the hard disk unit. The disk itself is enclosed in an air-tight container to protect it from dust.

If you are going to move your computer (even to another part of the room), run the MS-DOS HDSIT program to move the read/write heads away from the recording area. See your MS-DOS (or other operating system) manual for instructions.

Protecting your Data

To avoid losing data you store, you can copy and write-protect your diskettes.Making backup copies

It is a good idea to make backup copies of all your data and system diskettes. Copy all diskettes that contain programs, such as the MS-DOS and GW-BASIC diskettes that come with the Equity II, and use only the copies. Store your original software diskettes in a safe place away from your working diskettes. Copy your data diskettes regularly (preferably every day) to keep them up-to-date, and store them away from your originals.

The MS-DOS manual describes how to make a backup copy of your MS-DOS system diskette. To copy your other MS-DOS diskettes, use the DU (Disk Utility) program or the DISKCOPY command.

If you have a hard disk, keep backup copies of all your program files on floppy disks and regularly copy important data files to floppy disks also. For more information on backing up a hard disk, see ‘Using a Hard Disk’ in this chapter.