(Note: if the cursor is at the beginning of a logical line, then pressing a will not delete the preceding character, but will instead delete the character at the cursor.)

You will find the 111 key extremely helpful when you are typing new text. With it, you can correct typographical errors as soon as you make them. Whenever you strike the wrong key, press the II/ key immediately afterwards. That will move the cursor to the left, deleting the incorrect character. Then you can type the character you had intended to type, and continue from there.

Insert mode

Let’s say you want to insert the word “NOT” into your expression, to make it read: “NOW IS NOT THE TIME FOR ALL GOOD MEN TO COME TO THE AID OF THEIR FRIENDS.”

The screen editor makes it very easy for you to insert such text into a logical line.

Using the cursor keys, move the cursor to the point in your text where you want to insert new characters. When you’ve done so, the screen will look like this:

Now you must enter insert mode. To do so, hold down a m key and tap the q key. (Just tap it-if you hold it down for more than a moment, you may find that you’ve exited from the insert mode before you’ve had a chance to use it.)

You won’t notice any changes on the screen, but the HX-20 is now in insert mode. This means that any characters you type now will be inserted into the text at the cursor location. The rest of the logical line will move to the right, thus making room for the new character.

To see how this works, type the letter “N.” Your screen will look like this:

To finish inserting your text, press r;;?, [, and then the space- bar. The screen will look like this: