Using the Connection Screen 17
The following six icons indicate the status of the detected projectors.
Standby Select for connecting.
Busy Select for connecting. When you click
Connect, the computer currently
connected is disconnected and your
computer is connected.
Busy (Disable
Cannot be selected. Disable
interrupt connection is set on
another computer which is already
Currently in
use by
The projector's Configuration Menu is
open. You can select it after closing
the Configuration menu and running
the search again.
Searching Displayed while running Manual
search or Profile.
Not found. Displayed when a projector cannot be
found as a result of Manual search or
Profile. In Quick Connection Mode,
you can only select multiple
projectors with the same SSID.
DProjector name
The projector's name is displayed.
EDisable interrupt connection
Check the box to prevent an interrupt connection by other computers
while connected to the selected projector.
FUse multi-display
Check the box to use the Multi-screen display function. When this is
selected, Display layout and Display properties are displayed at the
bottom of the screen. s p.25
If there is a problem and you cannot have a connection, press this
button to open the EasyMP Network Projection Troubleshooting
Connect to the projector you selected from the search results list.
When a connection is made with a projector, a toolbar is displayed.
ISet options
You can make general setting options such as the processing method
when starting up EasyMP Network Projection. For details, see Set
options sp.42
JSave in the profile
Saves the results of a search for projectors on the network as a Profile.
KClear list
Deletes all search results.
LIP address (Advanced Connection Mode only)
The projector's IP address is displayed.
Select the number displayed (when Use multi-display is selected). s
You can search for a projector on the network using a Profile
saved using Save in the profile. sp.37
OSSID (Quick Connection Mode only)
The projector's SSID is displayed.
PSignal intensity (Quick Connection Mode only)
As the Signal intensity increases, so does the number of lit Indicators.
QUpdate list (Quick Connection Mode only)
Updates Status and Signal intensity.