Glossary 63
This section briefly explains the difficult terms that are not explained in the text of this guide. For details, refer to other commercially available publications.
MAC Address An abbreviation of Media Access Control. The MAC Address is an ID number unique to each network adapter. A unique number
is assigned to each network adapter, and data is transmitted be tween network adapters based on this identification.
SVGA A type of video signal with a resolution of 800 (horizontal) ^ 600 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible computers.
SXGA A type of video signal with a resolution of 1,280 (horizontal) ^ 1,024 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible
UXGA A type of video signal with a resolution of 1,600 (horizontal) ^ 1,200 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible
VGA A type of video signal with a resolution of 640 (horizontal) ^ 480 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible computers.
XGA A type of video signal with a resolution of 1,024 (horizontal) ^ 768 (vertical) dots that is used by IBM PC/AT-compatible
Ad hoc A method of Wireless LAN connection that communicat es with wireless LAN clients without using an access po int. It is not
possible to communicate with two or more devices simultaneous ly.
Virtual Display The screen for one computer is output to multiple displays. A large virtual screen can be created by using multiple displays.