4.To select Color Management options, do one of the following:

OS X: Select Color Management from the pull-down menu.

OS 8.6 to 9.x: Select a Color Management option on the right of the screen.

5.Select Color Management options as follows:

Color Controls: Let you adjust the Brightness, Contrast, Saturation, Gamma, and individual colors in your printout.

PhotoEnhance4: Improves the contrast, saturation, and color balance of low-resolution photos (affects only your printout).

ColorSync®: Uses standard ColorSync profiles for your printer to help match colors in your image. (If you’re using custom profiles in an application such as Adobe Photoshop, select No Color Adjustment instead.)

No Color Adjustment: Turns off your printer’s color management features so you can use profiles in an application such as Adobe Photoshop instead.

Note: To print with custom color profiles when you’re using Photoshop, see “Managing Color with Profiles” on page 48.

Gamma: Adjusts the midtone density in the print.

Note: For more information on advanced settings, or instructions on saving them as a group so you can reuse them later, click Help (OS X) or ? (OS 8.6 to 9.x).

6.OS X: Click Print.

OS 8.6 to 9.x: Click OK to save your settings, then click Print.

Printing From Start to Finish 33