Maintaining and Transporting the Printer |129
5. Make sure the replacement cartridge is the correct color and remove it
from its package. Gently shake the cartridge for about 5 seconds before
installing it.
6. Hold the cartridge with the arrow pointing toward the printer. Then
insert the cartridge into the slot until it clicks into place. Don’t force it
7. Close the ink cover.
Once the cartridge is installed, the printer returns to its READY state.
Note: If you can’t insert
the cartridge smoothly,
you may have the wrong
cartridge or are trying to
insert it in the wrong slot.
Check the package and
part number. If the BInk
light remains on after
installing the cartridge, it
may not be inserted fully.
Caution: Do not remove
and re-insert cartridges
more often than
necessary. Doing so can
compromise the needle
valve seal and allow air to
enter the ink tubes,
causing nozzle damage.