System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
Number of Buses - Mixer Models
The number of Mix, Group and Aux buses available in a Sys-
tem 5 console is dependent on the number of cards in the DSP
SuperCore and the selected Mixer Model. Additional DSP cards
may be added at any time to increase the number of channels.
Bus Processing
The new DSP SuperCore supports dedicated bus processing
comprising filters and dynamics that can be attached to any mix,
group or aux bus and controlled from a Strip.
Mix Buses
The mix buses are grouped in Sections (Stems) to allow mixing
to different formats. For example, a stereo mix section has two
individual buses and a 5.1 mix section has six. Up to 16 mix sec-
tions may be simply configured from the eMix setup software and
each may be given a name. System 5 supports up to 48 individual
mix buses. Formats are Mono, Stereo, LCRS, 5.1, 6.1 and 7.1 plus
custom formats. Routing a source to a Mix Section is done from
the switches on the Knobset after first pressing the Route - Mix
key. Just as with the Aux sends, as shown right, each On/Off key
switches the signal to that bus section. The channel signal may be
routed to all buses in that section with or without the pan inserted.
It is also possible to route to individual buses (direct assign) in each
section, for example, just the center bus of a 5.1 mix section.
Group Buses
Up to 48 audio group/DAW send buses are available. They can
be set to any format from mono thru 7.1. Routing is similar to Mix
buses by pressing the Route - Group key then using the knobset On/
Off switches. For traditional sub-group control these buses may be
brought back into channels that can act as audio sub-group masters
- note that dedicated bus processing is also available. The Group
knobsets also include an overall group send level control.
Aux Send
Up to 24 Aux sends are available and can be configured in mono
or stereo pairs. Press the Aux function key to bring up the Aux
sends on the knobset. The example on the right shows typical
Aux sends with 1 & 2 working as a stereo send with pan. Sends
can be individually set to feed pre or post-fader and can be used
as effects sends or foldback sends. Aux masters are controlled
from the center section and include individual talkback and tone
insert provisions. Each send may be named to reflect its destina-
tion. Aux sends can be flipped to be controlled from the faders
- very useful for setting complex monitor mixes and sends.
Aux Select
(Aux 1 & 2 are setup as stereo)
Aux 1 & 2 Pan
Pan In/Out
Aux 1 & 2 Level
Aux 1 & 2 On/Off
Aux 3 Gain
Aux 3 On/Off
Aux 3 Gain
Aux 3 On/Off
Aux 3 Gain
Aux 3 On/Off
Aux 3 Gain
Aux 3 On/Off
Aux 3 Gain
Aux 3 On/Off
Aux 3 Gain
Aux 3 On/Off
Aux Page To Additional Sends
Aux Knobset Select
Group and Mix Routing
Knobset Select
Bus Routing and Aux Sends