System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
System 5System 5 is a high performance digital audio mixing system
specifically designed for audio post-production and music ap-
plications. System 5 has been re-engineered to add a host of
new features ..
• New Control Surface
- New touch-sensitive LED color-coded knobs
- New higher-resolution TFT screens
- Faster processors and more memory
- Improved fader resolution around 0dB
• New EuCon Hybrid Option
- Control multiple DAWs from the System 5 Surface
- Save Layouts of DSP and DAW tracks together
System 5 Key Features• Easy to use and learn—intuitive interface
• Modular surface and I/O design
• Constant visual feedback for the operator
• Highest sound quality
• Star format Ethernet module interconnection resulting in
more secure operation and no communication bottleneck
• Mixer Channel & Bus Size:
- modular up to 300 channels
- each channel has 4 band EQ, dynamics and two filters
- up to 48 mix buses, 48 group buses, 24 aux sends, 72
external inputs
• High-resolution LED meters next to each fader
• 240 SnapShot Recalls of all console settings
• 48 Layouts for different surface configurations
• PatchNet - digital router/patchbay
• Surround panning and monitoring as standard
• Spill function for easy access to multi-format sources
• 8 Knobs & 100mm touch sensitive moving fader per strip
• TFT high-resolution displays at the top of each channel
for metering (up to 5.1), EQ, dynamics & pan graphs and
• Dynamic automation of most parameters to timecode
• Conform to picture
• Comprehensive machine control facilities integrating with
Soundmaster, Colin Broad, Tamura and JSK
• Up to 3-operator configuration
Innovative SolutionsLayouts
Place sources anywhere on the surface and save the positions
as Layouts for fast access to tracks you need the most.
Multi-Format Masters
Control a surround sound source on one fader.
Spill brings all the elements of Multi-Format Master to the sur-
face for individual adjustment.
With Spill the 5.1 (or any other format)
Multi-Format Master is ‘spilled’ out to
its six discrete elements for individual
• New software features
- Aux to faders
- Scene automation
- Dual zone Spill area
- Buses can be controlled from Strips
- Bus processing
• New DSP SuperCore & Studio Computer
- Faster and more powerful
- More channels & buses
- Supports bus processors
- Fewer rack components
- Up to 1,536x1,536 router (24x24 MADI)
• New modular converters including SDI support
EuCon Hybrid Option
The new EuCon Hybrid option lets System 5 control multiple
DAWs simultaneously bringing DAW tracks onto the console
surface for mixing. No other control system or console
comes close to the power and total integration of
Euphonix control surfaces with EuCon.