System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
With the EuCon Hybrid option installed, DAWs running the
EuCon Client Application are highlighted in the sub-panel and
can be selected for access by the System 5.
DAW Tracks can be assigned to any strip in any order and saved
using Layouts (up to 48 Layouts). Auto-Assign works just the
same as with normal System 5 channel strip assignments. DAW
tracks also appear in the list of available sources when assign-
ing directly from the strip. DAW tracks can be independently
placed on the control surface. For example, Pro Tools track 1
could be placed next to its track 24 which could be followed by
track 14 from a Nuendo system.
The MC Controller includes multiple banks of 24 SmartSwitches,
programmed with keystroke or EuCon commands, which are
saved in Application Sets specific to each application. These
Soft Keys are available for use on the System 5 and appear on
the Main Panel for the selected DAW.
DAW Select - push to bring
DAW Tracks and Soft Keys
to the Main Panel
Page Tracks
DAW Track Select
with Name (1st 8 chars)
Toggle Tracks or Soft Keys
Setup - Select DAWs on
network for System 5 access
Auto-Assign Tracks
DAW Select - push to bring
DAW Tracks and Soft Keys
to the Main Panel
Page Soft Keys
DAW Soft Key
Toggle Soft Keys or Tracks
Setup - Select DAWs on
network for System 5 access
The System 5 includes a jog/shuttle wheel at the
bottom of the CM401-T center section. One of the
most useful features of EuCon control is the abil-
ity to assign different functions to this wheel. As
well as Jog and Shuttle the wheel may also be
used for adjusting clip based functions in some
EuCon DAWs such as trim head/tail, fade in/out,
slip, move and clip gain.
Automation functionality of DAW tracks is de-
pendent on the features within each DAW. Any
fader, knob or switch automation for DAW tracks
is written directly to the DAW software and is
not associated with the Euphonix System 5 auto-
mation of DSP Core channels. Faders are touch-
sensitive and knobs include auto-pickup function-
ality. Any automation playing back from the DAW
will move the appropriate faders, and display
changes on the knob LED rings and switches.
EuCon Hybrid Package
• EuCon Hybrid Pilot Computer (PC 254h)
fitted with:
- Two Ethernet ports for connecting to
the System 5 and external DAW networks
- EuCon Hybrid Software Package
- Latest software Application Sets
Main Panel
Sub Panel
The Main Panel provides access to Tracks and Soft Keys for
each connected workstation. With Tracks displayed (upper
photo), the list of tracks currently available from the applica-
tion in focus on the connected workstation is shown. With Soft
Keys selected (lower photo) the selected DAWs soft keys are
available for sending out EuCon commands and Keystroke com-
mands to the DAW.
EuCon Hybrid Option