System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
Master Facilities
Central Assignable ControlsA source can be brought to the center section strip in the CM401-
T Master Module either from one of the strips, by pressing the
Wave key, or by selecting a channel from the 32 keys on the
optional CM402-T Sub-Master module. These 32 keys, together
with source names and ON keys, are located just above the 8
assignable faders and can scroll through all the channels and
control groups on the console. Once a strip has been brought to
the center, control is exactly the same as on a strip elsewhere
on the console. The CM402-T module, as shown below, has 40
extra knobs together with more displays and switches that are
available for expanded EQ, Dynamics, Aux, Input, Group and
Mix bus controls. The screen at the top shows extra metering
and larger graphs for EQ and Dynamics.
At the bottom of the optional CM402-T are 8 faders. These can
be assigned to control any channel, control group or multi-for-
mat master.
8 Assignable Faders
Central Input, EQ,
Filters, Dynamics,
Aux, Pan, Channel
Controls Group & Mix Route Buttons
Central Channel Assign Area
Aux / Group / Mix Bus Masters
4 x SLS/Cue Controls
Main Panel
Sub Panel
Main Monitor
Control & Display
Central Assign Strip
Master Fader Automation Controls
Quick Access Panel
Transport & Locate
32 Channel
Select Keys
with Name