System 5 Digital Audio Mixing System - InDepth
DF66 DSP SuperCore with MADI I/O & RouterThe new lightweight and compact DF66 DSP SuperCore is the
primary signal-processing engine and router for System 5 digital
mixing consoles. It is comprised of a system board and up to six
plug-in SP662 DSP cards. The SuperCore has more than enough
DSP horsepower, system functionality, and reliability to satisfy
today’s demanding music and post applications.
DSP SuperCore Features
The DSP SuperCore is packed with advanced features that stand out from the competition:
• Compact, lightweight, modular and scalable
• Over 300 signal paths per DSP SuperCore at 48kHz
• Independent EQ, filters and dynamics processing per channel
• Up to 2 seconds delay per channel
• Bus processing with dynamics and filters
• 4,096-path FPGA audio router on each SP662 DSP card
• Up to 24x24 MADI I/O (1536x1536 paths @ 48kHz) per DSP SuperCore
• Hardware compatible with 192/384 kHz
• DSPs support 40 bit, 32 bit IEEE floating point and 32 bit fixed point formats
• Hybrid FPGA and DSP technology to accommodate 40 bit floating point (extended preci-
sion) operation, for timing precision, and wide feature set
• Parallel signal processing utilizing SIMD (Single Instruction Multiple Data) architecture
• Optional SNMP System Management Controller remotely monitors operating conditions
and notifies the user to take action to avert system failure
• Optional 100% changeover redundancy
The DSP SuperCore provides:
• DSP Processing - Massive amount of scalable DSP avail-
able for fully featured channels and busses with Delay, EQ
& Dynamics processing. Each SP662 card adds 4.8 GFLOPS
of processing power.
• MADI I/O - each SP662 card adds 4 MADI inputs and out-
puts (256 x 256 paths at 48kHz)
• Router controlled by the console’s PatchNet Software
DF66 DSP SuperCore SP662 Card