Apply to Days: This button can be used to copy schedules to other days. Select which days you wish to
copy to. "Select All" selects all days, “Clear All” deselects all days. Click “OK” to copy the settings or
"Cancel" to exit without copying.
Apply to Cameras: This button can be used to copy schedules to other cameras. Select which cameras
you wish to copy to. "Select All" selects all cameras, “Clear All” deselects all cameras. Click “OK” to copy
the settings or "Cancel" to exit without copying.
Figure 4-25 is a screenshot of the NETWORK SETTING MENU. This menu is for configuring the DVR for a
network connection.
NOTE: Since every Network Configuration is different, please check with your Network Administrator or ISP
to see if your DVR should use specific IP addresses and/or port numbers.