Playing Texas Hold ‘Em |
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1. To determine the Dealer, each | Dealer’s left and subsequent play- | |||
player is dealt a card. The player | ers can CALL, RAISE, FOLD | until | ||
with the highest card is the first | every player has placed the same | |||
Dealer. (The Dealer shifts to left | amount in the pot. If no player has | |||
after each hand.) The Dealer icon | RAISED, the actions available to | |||
is displayed on the television. That | the player who has placed the big | |||
player presses the DEAL/CHIPS but- | blind are | CHECK, RAISE, and | FOLD. | |
ton on his or her controller to deal | Press the | STEP button on the con- | ||
the cards. However, before the | troller to cycle through action | |||
cards are dealt, the small blind and | icons and press the SELECT button | |||
big blind are placed automatically | to confirm. |
| ||
by the computer. The player to the | 4. The FLOP (the first three com- | |||
Dealer’s left places the small blind | munity cards) is dealt and the sec- | |||
(half of the low limit) and the sec- | ond | betting round begins. | The | |
ond player to the Dealer’s left | first player to the Dealer’s left can | |||
places the big blind (equal to the | BET, | CHECK or FOLD. When there | ||
low limit). | is a | BET, the subsequent players | ||
2. Each player receives two | can | CALL, RAISE, or FOLD | until | |
cards face down (the Hole cards). | every player has placed the same | |||
Each player can see his or her hole | amount into the pot. |
| ||
cards on his controller’s LCD. | ODDS |
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| ||
After the FLOP, a player can | ||||
After the hole cards have been | press the | ODDS button to see the | ||
dealt, each player can press the | chance of improving his hand on | |||
ODDS button on the controller to | the next card. |
| ||
see his or her CHANCE TO WIN. The | Pressing the ODDS button the | |||
percentage is displayed on the | first time will show the probabili- | |||
controller’s LCD. Press the ODDS | ty of improving to the highest pos- | |||
button again to display the hole | sible hand. Both the name of the | |||
cards. | hand and the probability will be | |||
3. The first betting round | displayed on the controller’s LCD. | |||
begins. The third player to the | Press ODDS a second time to see |
the probability of improving to the | |
next best hand, and so on. When | |
only the percentage is shown, this | |
indicates the overall probability of | |
improving | your current hand. |
Press ODDS | again to display the |
hole cards. |
5. The (the fourth commu- nity card)TURNis dealt and the third betting round begins. The first player to the Dealer’s left can ,
or . When there BETis a
CHECK, the subsequentFOLD players can
BET , , or until every playerCALL RAISEhas placedFOLDthe same amount into the pot.
After the , check your again toTURNsee your chances of
improvingODDS our hand with the upcoming final card!
6. The (the fifth commu- nity card)RIVERis dealt and the fourth betting round begins. The first player to the Dealer’s left can ,
or . When there BETis a
CHECK, the subsequentFOLD players can
BET , , or until every playerCALL RAISEhas placedFOLDthe same amount into the pot.
After the has been dealt, you will noRIVERlonger be able to
check your . All the cards have been dealtODDS- now you just have to decide how to play them!
7. ! The player with the
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