Exergen DT 1001-LN, DT 1001-RS, DT 1001-LT manual Peripheral Nerve Injury, Cerebrovascular Disorders

Models: DT 1001-LN DT 1001-RS DT 1001 DT 1001-LT

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Temperature is an early indicator of foot problems in diabetic patients5 . Long before any clinical manifestations, heat can be detected, and the more sensitive the detection instrument, the earlier the warning.. As a key indicator of complications from the disease, temperature has been incorporated into routine diabetic foot screening protocols.6

Two foot problems of major concern are foot ulcers and neuropathic fractures. Because of peripheral neuropathy, diabetic patients may not feel pain, and can continue walking on the foot. If the problem is not identified and treated in a timely fashion, they are at high risk for ulcer- ation, infection, and deformities, with amputation of a lower limb always a real and devastating complication.

Using the DermaTemp for temperature monitoring in diabetic foot screen- ing can immediately determine the thermal geography of the area of concern, identify hot spots, and locate cool areas. As a diagnostic tool, it is objective and quantifiable. Because it is relatively insensitive to user technique, many physicians have recommended their patients monitor their own foot and leg temperatures with the DermaTemp as part of their patient’s self-care program.

Peripheral Nerve Injury

Temperature monitoring can be used in the quantification of peripheral nerve injury, differentiating among organic nerve damage, psychogenic factors, or even malingering.7 Skin temperature is altered in the field of an impaired peripheral nerve due to sympathetic vasomotor disturbance. Skin temperature in a normal individual differs between sides of the body only 0.24 ± 0.073°C. In patients with peripheral nerve injury, the temperature of the skin innervated by the damaged nerve deviates an average of 1.55°C.8 ,9 ,10

Temperature monitoring has been found to be highly successful in iden- tifying the difficult pain problems e.g., diabetic or ischemic radiculopathy, facial pain syndrome, carpal tunnel, whiplash injuries of neck and up- per back, and the phantom limb pain seen in amputees.

Cerebrovascular Disorders

Temperature monitoring is a useful method for screening for cerebrovas- cular disease before subjecting the patient to the risk of invasive proce- dures. In the evaluation of extracranial carotid complex, temperature monitoring demonstrates a high degree of sensitivity in detection of hemodynamically significant stenosis of the internal carotid artery.11 12 Early detection allows the physician to institute appropriate therapy before a stroke occurs.13


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Exergen DT 1001-LN, DT 1001-RS, DT 1001-LT manual Peripheral Nerve Injury, Cerebrovascular Disorders