www.rletech.com 21 970.484.6510
3 F110 Web Interface
Note There is no user name or no password from RLE. Password can be assigned to the unit later in
the configuration menu. There is no user name that can be configured at this time.
3.3.1 Network
The Network tab stores settings to control how the F110 appears on the local network.
Modifying the DHCP name will change how the F110 reports to the DHCP server when
attempting to obtain a dynamic IP address. This label must be unique, so when assigning the
DHCP Name ensure that duplicate labels do not appear on the network.
To set a static IP address, uncheck the Use DHCP checkbox and enter the Static IP, Gateway
IP, and Subnet Mask.
If you wish to use a DNS name instead of an IP address for the Mail Server Address on the
Email tab, enter the IP address of your DNS Server in the DNS Server IP field.
Note In most cases, the DNS Server IP address is the same as the IP address entered into the
“Gateway IP” field. If this does not work, please contact your network administrator for
Figure 3.3
Network Settings
Note If using SNMP monitoring software to monitor the F110, it is recommended that a static IP
address be assigned to the device to ensure that the software can find the unit. The IP address
assigned must also be excluded from DHCP assignment to ensure that the IP address of the
F110 is NOT given to another device on your network. Please contact your Network
Administrator for assistance.