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The Telnet driver allows a user to connect to the FieldServer using a standard Telnet client (such as the Windows Telnet client). A command prompt is provided which allows the user to request specific driver functions. Presently, the following functions are implemented:
1.help / ?: lists available commands and states their functions.
2.port: this allows the user to take over a serial port.
3.linefeed: this allows the user to control sending and receiving of line feeds in association with carriage returns.
4.echo: allows the user to determine whether characters typed into the Telnet terminal should be echoed by the FieldServer.
5.verbose: allows the user to determine the level of detail of diagnostic messages.
6.tab: allows the user to select substitution of received tab characters by space characters
The driver will support up to 5 concurrent Telnet sessions but will not allow two sessions to control the same serial port.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com Tel: (408)