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3.Optional Configuration Items
3.1.Autoconnect Port
If a port is specified in the autoconnect port field, the first Telnet session to connect to the FieldServer will immediately be connected to the specified port (see Using Serial Port Capture below). Any further simultaneous Telnet sessions will see the usual command prompt.
3.2.Autoconnect Mode
Two modes, Text and Binary, are available for use with Autoconnect Ports. Text mode is optimized for manual use when using Telnet to communicate with a serial device that presents a user interface (such as a text driven menu screen). This allows the user to customize how tabs and linefeeds are sent and received. Also, the user can quit a port capture by hitting
If the intention is to run a binary serial protocol over a Telnet connection, the Binary mode must be specified. This does not modify the data stream in any way.
If desired, a username and password can be set in the csv file to restrict access to all functions modifying the operation of the Telnet driver, e.g. port, linefeed, tab. The Login command will prompt the user for the username and password before these commands may be used.
A timeout can be set to close the Telnet session and its TCP connection after the specified period of inactivity. Specify the timeout in seconds in the session_timeout field.
It is important to specify the session_timeout if the FieldServer is mainly used as a serial protocol client continually communicating with the device. Under these circumstances, if a Telnet session captures the serial port, the protocol driver is put on hold until the port is released. If the user forgets to release the port and leaves the Telnet session connected, the protocol driver on the FieldServer can never resume communications with the device, and the bridge data is never updated. If the session_timeout is set, then a period of inactivity will cause the port to be released and the Telnet session to be closed, so that the protocol driver can resume its communication activity.
FieldServer Technologies 1991 Tarob Court Milpitas, California 95035 USA Web:www.fieldserver.com Tel: (408)