Rosemount Model 444 Alphaline Temperature Transmitters
Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano (CESI/CENELEC) Certifications
E8 Flameproof:
EEx d IIC T6
I8 Intrinsic Safety:
Model 444RL
EEx ia IIC T6 (Tamb = 40 °C) [Pi = 0.75 W]
EEx ia IIC T5 (Tamb = 55 °C) [Pi = 1.0 W]
EEx ia IIC T4 (Tamb = 80 °C) [Pi = 1.0 W]
Model 444T_ & MV
EEx ib IIB T6 (Tamb = 40 °C) [Pi = 0.75 W]
EEx ib IIB T5 (Tamb = 55 °C) [Pi = 1.0 W]
EEx ib IIB T4 (Tamb = 80 °C) [Pi = 1.0 W]
Entity Parameters:
Vi = 30 V dc
Ii = 200 mA
Pi = 0.75 W (T6)
Pi = 1.0 W (T5)
Pi = 1.0 W (T4)
Ci = 0.024 mF (Model 444RL)
Ci = 0.006 mF (Model 444T_ & MV)
Li = 0.
Special Conditions for Safe Use (“X”):
If the temperature sensor connected to the input circuit does not tolerate
an alternating tension of 500V for 60 seconds, the certified transducers
must be powered by galvanically-insulated equipment. Model 444RL
temperature transducers must be connected to associated electronic
equipment certified to EN 50.014/EN 50.020 standards.
British Approvals Service for Electrical Equipment Flammable Atmospheres
(BASEEFA)Type N Certification
N1 Ex N II T5
Maximum Voltage: 35 V dc
Maximum Current: 30 mA dc
An appropriate stainless steel tag will be supplied according to the certif ication
option selected.