Making Measurements | 3 |
Measuring Pulse Width |
To measure duty cycle, set up the meter to measure frequency; then press N a second time. You can select the level the meter uses by pressing [ to trigger on the positive slope or ] to trigger on the negative slope. A typical duty cycle display is shown in Figure
Figure 3-16. Duty Cycle Display
For 5 V logic signals, use the 5 V dc range. For 12 V switching signals in automobiles, use the 50 V dc range. For sine waves, use the lowest ac or dc range that does not result in multiple triggering. A
input range will often measure better than the AUTO- selected input range.
If a duty cycle reading is unstable, press M until the AVG annunciator comes on and the average reading appears in the secondary display.
Measuring Pulse Width
The pulse width function allows you to measure the amount of time a signal is high or low within a given period. See Figure