Getting Started Manual
Generating a Triggered Burst
In this exercise you will use the internal trigger generator to initiate a burst of 500 cycles of a 2 kHz tone twice every second. The period of the internal trigger generator is thus 500 ms.
Press RECALL, 0, ENTER to reset to the factory defaults. Then press EDIT and TRIG. The lamp next to the TRIG key should flash and the display should show:
TGEN=1.00ms 1.000kHz
PHASE=+000° (+000°)
Change the settings to:
been assigned to some other function. If it had been, that function would be shown in place of the word FREE.
Press ENTER, turn the output on and set the frequency on the main menu to 2 kHz, which at that point will be a continuous tone.
VhiZ=+20.0 Vpp 50Ω
DC=+0.00mV (+0.00mV)
SYM=50.0% (50.0%)
Press TRIG to initiate the triggered burst mode.
To synchronize an oscilloscope to the trigger generator (rather than to the burst waveform itself), connect the rear panel TRIG/SWEEP OUT socket to the oscilloscope's trigger input.
TGEN=500.ms 2.000 Hz
PHASE=+000° (+000°)
The word FREE against the SOURCE parameter indicates that the internal trigger generator has not already
Again, by changing the trigger source to
TRIG SRC=MAN/REMOTE, you can initiate tone bursts by pressing the MAN/SYNC key.
There are similar modes which use the internal trigger generator as the source of trigger signals, and there are gated (i.e.