fireplace installation
7)Insert 28" long rebar (8 total, included with fire- place) vertically through the cells, into the holes in the hearth, adjacent to the rebar and/or
sticking up from the hearth (Figure 42). Mix approxi- mately 2 cu. ft. of
Add rebar and fill all cells with concrete mix
Figure 41- Inserting Rebar and adding ReadyMix Concrete8)Attach Lower Seismic Straps to rebar closest to the front as shown in Figure 42.
Lower Seismic Straps
Final Side Walls
10)Set the Lintel and Lower Rear Dome in place as shown in Figures 44. Check that all is level. If you need to make adjustments, use shims. Place one or more of these shims between the lowest wall com- ponent and the top surface of the base plate. Once you are satisfied with the degree of levelness, you can address any gap that may have occurred with an appropriate amount of mortar.
Lower Rear
12inch rebar or
9)Install Downdraft Diverter and final row of Side Walls (Figure 43). All components must be level. Mix approximately 2 cu. ft. of
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