7 . Press b l u e colour key to enter into the E d i t c h a n n e l w i n d o w .
i . Sort (red colour key)
Press red colour key to pop up the Sort drop-
down list.
Free/Scrabmle:: All FTA programs are listed ahead, while all scrambled programs are listed last.
Lock: all locked programs are listed at the last.
ii. Edit (green colour key)
Press green colour key to move the Edit button upward. Select the program and press OK key to pop up the Rename window.
In Rename window, press red colour key to switch between capital letter and lower letter; press green colour key to delete the character on
the cursor; press keys to move the cursor left or right; press numeric keys
Numeric keys | Press numeric key repeatedly, display in circle |
1 | .,*?!@1 |
2 | ABC2 |
3 | DEF3 |
4 | GHI4 |
5 | JKL5 |
6 | MNO6 |
7 | PQRS7 |
8 | TUV8 |
9 | WXYZ9 |
0 |